You only see what you know…

… and togeth­er we see more. Exclu­sive con­ver­sa­tions await you. I love to make art direct­ly acces­si­ble for you — with over twen­ty years of expe­ri­ence. Always up to date with the lat­est art knowl­edge and with an eye for what fas­ci­nates you. As an art his­to­ri­an, I have mas­tered the entire spec­trum of art edu­ca­tion: from exclu­sive indi­vid­ual tours to rep­re­sen­ta­tive events for insti­tu­tions. Glad­ly also inter­na­tion­al­ly and in dig­i­tal space!

On this page I present some sam­ple top­ics. Please find more infor­ma­tion about my work in the menu. You can reach me any time at my email address: mail@​britta-​bode.​de — I look for­ward to hear­ing from you.

Brit­ta Bode M.A., Art Historian


You led us through the exhi­bi­tion in a par­tic­u­lar­ly com­pe­tent and enter­tain­ing way; the group and I were very enthu­si­as­tic about you and your’ museum.”

Thank you very much for this won­der­ful lecture.”

Your lec­ture made us want to learn more.”

Very nice is your accu­ra­cy — I look for­ward to the next lectures.”

Please do not stop!!!”

My prin­ci­ples

For Your Eyes Only — exclu­sive­ly accord­ing to your wishes

Art­ful Con­ver­sa­tions — mak­ing art accessible

State of the Art — up-to-date art knowledge 

Art in Con­text — open­ing up back­grounds, open­ing up spaces of experience



Why have there been no great women artists?

Togeth­er with you I take up provoca­tive ques­tions of the present — and look for answers in art

Art meets climate change

What do we learn from the lit­tle ice age’ 500 years ago — and what does cli­mate research have to say about it? Hot top­ics become imme­di­ate­ly vivid in pic­tures. I enjoy build­ing bridges across dis­ci­plines and times.
Vermeer Milchmädchen

Seen a thousand times - a thousand times nothing happened?

We take anoth­er close look togeth­er and expe­ri­ence the great mas­ter­pieces anew.
Rembrandt SB mit Saskia

Innovations on paper

Expe­ri­ence graph­ic art direct­ly! Exclu­sive­ly and with works select­ed just for you, we look over the shoul­der of the great exper­i­ment­ing inno­va­tors of art on paper.
König Holland Japan

Art Comes from Art - Global: East Asian Culture in Europe

Chi­na and Japan fash­ion from the 17th to 19th cen­turies in Europe, Chi­nois­erie and Japon­ism, is a fas­ci­nat­ing chap­ter of cul­tur­al exchange.
De Clerck Susanna

Nude or Naked? Body images in art

From Bot­ti­cel­li’s ele­gant Venus to Ruben’s mus­cu­lar St. Sebas­t­ian, we encounter numer­ous unclothed bod­ies in the art of past eras dur­ing gallery vis­its. How did con­tem­po­raries react to them, which bod­ies were per­ceived as beau­ti­ful’ in dif­fer­ent eras?